(Pet Talk) A closer look into cryptococcal fungal infections | Lifestyles

Allowing pets to roam outside may seem like harmless fun, providing them with exercise, mental stimulation and the opportunity to explore. Some environments, however, pose hidden dangers that pet owners may not immediately recognize, such as the risk of cryptococcal fungal infections that can infect the lungs, brain and other parts of the body. Dr. … Read more

FDA Clears Remote Scanning Support Platform for MRI, CT and PET/CT

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted 510(k) clearance for nCommand Lite, a multimodality platform that enables remote viewing of advanced imaging scans and access to real-time expert guidance for technologists on site. Developed by IONIC Health, nCommand Lite offers real-time remote support on a vendor-agnostic platform for a variety of modalities, including computed … Read more