la garde de chien sur mesure

In his barn 500 m away2 of land in Corbonod, Lisa Brulfer, former manager of a riding store, currently takes care of four dogs. Aindinoise created its own pet-setting activity in 2022: the Wolfy workshop. Since then, he has welcomed dogs and adapted to all kinds of requests from the owners. “The dogs can go … Read more

Kurz insuffle un nouveau rythme au recyclage de liner PET

After the “compound”, it’s time for rPET to start talking about a real closed-loop circular economy! Kurz decided to accelerate its recovery and recycling program for polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the film that serves as a backing for the gilding that packaging manufacturers use to embellish their cases, labels and other items. “We have been … Read more

le pet vaginal est-il normal lors des rapports sexuels ?

At the beginning of a relationship, sex can be more unrestrained, but not necessarily more peaceful. We are always afraid of making a mistake, of not being at our best. So we chain the positions and there is an accident: vaginal fart, also called “frout”. In OrgasmQCharline Gayault reassures us of her normality. The “fruit” … Read more

Vers la location d’un PET scan

At the moment, Luxembourg only has a PET scan. This is a medical imaging technique that allows to visualize tumors and metastases, even when they are very small. “The successive breakdowns of the only Luxembourgish PET scanner, to which a second machine essential for the detection of certain cancers will soon be added, have led … Read more

Comment augmenter le taux de recyclage des plastiques (USA)

PET plastic recycling rates in the United States have stagnated for a decade, but an MIT study announces solutions that could significantly improve the situation. Researchers have analyzed the collection and recycling systems in depth, identifying concrete action levers to achieve the ambitious goals set by industry and legislators. An alarming rate of PET recycling … Read more

le surtri traque le plastique intriable

Yoghurt jars, food trays or even colored plastic sparkling water bottles: new waste that has so far been little recycled can now be recycled after passing through the second center of “come out” of France, in Épinal in the Vosges. >> Plastic recycling remains a “myth“, warns Greenpeace The Epinal exit center, the second of … Read more

Carbios pose les bases d’une production en Chine

While it is currently being built its first industrial PET biorecycling site (polyethylene terephthalate) from bottles and fabrics, Carbios announces that it is starting discussions with the Chinese company Zhink to establish a site capable of depolymerizing 50,000 tons of waste per year on Chinese soil. Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of CARBIOS (5th from right) and … Read more

CARBIOS et Zhink Group entament des discussions officielles

En proposant du PET recyclé issu du recyclage enzymatique, ce partenariat permettrait au groupe Zhink de réaliser ses ambitions de leader en augmentant ses capacités de production de PET recyclé ainsi que sa compétitivité en matière de développement durable. Cet accord confirme la forte demande pour la technologie de biorecyclage de CARBIOS en Chine, premier … Read more

rencontre avec Margaux et son chien Shadow

Since Margaux adopted Shadow, an English cocker spaniel, she has been sharing her daily life and adventures on Instagram, via a dedicated account. If, at first, he did it for fun, the number of subscribers increased rapidly and Margaux took to the animal influence game. To go behind the scenes of these influencers like no … Read more

Jeu concours Pet Revolution du 17 juin au 07 juillet 2024

10 places to be won for the Congress of Pet Revolution 2024 Saturday October 5, 2024 – Paris Nanterre UniversityWeekend 7 and 8 December 2024 – Remotely TO REVOLUTION PET Original lectures led by renowned researchers and experts, to restore our relationship with living beings and deconstruct our beliefs. It is an essential meeting to … Read more