Redbrick Gaming x Redbrick Travel: NQ64

The Simpsons Arcade Game – Louis Wright

Beat’em’ups are a classic of the arcade genre. The nature of the game: button mashing, stupidly challenging, and a strong gameplay loop lends itself to the arcade format and take countless coins from its players. Even more than the beat’em’up is the brand beat’em’up. With such an identifiable game style, the genre can be easily adapted not only to a variety of different themes, but also apply the stylization, characters and settings of popular franchises. One such franchise is the animated sitcom The Simpsons.

Homer, the father, fights with fists, girth and weight

The plot of the Simpsons game is unnecessarily complicated. Mr. Burns and Smithers try to steal a diamond, but the diamond falls into Maggie Simpson’s mouth, replacing her dummy, and so Mr. Burns and Smithers decide to kidnap a whole child instead of removing the diamond from his mouth and leaving . therefore, the remnants of the Simpson clan had to venture out to save her and for some reason they paid literally everyone in Springfield to prevent them from retrieving the youngest of them. I told you it was unnecessarily complicated.

Players can control their favorite Simpson who fights in a variety of ways. Homer, the father, fights with fists, girth and weight – ironically he never strangles anyone. Marge, being the wife, fights with cleaning equipment like a vacuum cleaner. Bart, the cool kid, beats people around the head with his awesome looking skateboard. Lisa, girl, use the rope to jump. And of course if you escape out of life, probably to the strange cartoon rabbits from the TVs that are brought to life, the respective Simpson you are played as if dragged down to hell by demonic Bart Simpsons, plural.

Pac-Man Battle Royale – Lydia Don

Among the NQ64’s amalgamation of shooting, dancing and driving games (to name just a few) is Pac-Man, an obvious inclusion in every gaming venue in the world. However, this is not that iconic yellow brick of an arcade machine that you typically think of first when you hear about Pac-Man. Digbeth’s answer to gamers paradise boasts a modern multiplayer version of the universally loved game. This is a revolutionary version in the form of a large screen placed in front of you that up to four players surround. Using joysticks, control your own Pac-Man and play the game as usual. Anyway, do I need to say anything more? Everyone knows how to play Pac-Man! At least, that’s what I thought to myself.

I discovered my expertise to be completely non-existent

While I know the rules and objectives of the game, I have discovered my skill to be completely non-existent. As an incredibly competitive person, winning was my only goal. So when I found my assumptions about my own Pac-Man skills to be in tatters as I constantly bumped into my fellow players and found myself dead and out of the game long before anyone else, you can imagine my frustrations. however, I had an absolute blast! This version of Pac-Man was much more immersive than the original version. Obviously, technology has come a long way since the first version of Pac-Man was released in 1980, and I’m so glad it did – this multiplayer version is so much more fun!

Dance Stage EuroMix Machine – Kitty Grant

In October, I started taking ballroom dance classes, reinforcing my childhood love of dance, but before that, NQ64 has been there for my six-year-old inner dance lover. Can I call jumping in methodical patterns while slightly inebriated “dancing”? Yes, yes. If two steps and random jumps in the club can be considered dance then why not dance machines?

Before I get any further with this review, I want to clarify what I am no talking about the Dance Dance Revolution machine on NQ64 since despite being the most famous brand of arcade dance machine, it is bad. If you choose easy mode, the DDR-branded machine warms you up with a nice easy-to-warm-up round, but then, without any chance to choose your difficulty, DDR hits you with a ridiculously hard track that leads to inevitable failure accompanied by whistles from the public. . Instead of enjoying a fun dance game, I’m left full of shame for failing a task I didn’t want to do in the first place.

Dance Stage EuroMix machine, a gentle machine that, unlike the DDR offer, was designed by people with love and generosity in their hearts.

On the other hand, tucked away behind the bar on the left is the Dance Stage EuroMix machine, a gentle machine that, unlike the DDR offer, was designed by people with love and generosity in their hearts. Rather than forcing a harder level on you and eating tokens if you want more than one turn of a comfortable level, DSEM gives players the chance to choose their level each time. With a generous offer of three rounds for every two token payout, players have the chance to develop their skills at their own pace. DSEM also gives players the grace of allowing them to finish a track before being cleared if they choose a harder turn.

There is much more to say about the DSEM machine, including its hit soundtrack and stellar graphics, but much like how my father’s hatred for Tottenham is stronger than his love for Arsenal, so even my hate for DDR outweighs my love for DSEM. So if you’ve ever tried the DDR machine at NQ64 and you hate it, why don’t you turn left at the bar and be welcomed by a dancing machine that cares.

Super Mario 64 – Louis Wright

A draw of NQ64 are the retro consoles (I don’t like to call the GameCube, a console that was released in the year it was born, retro) that are available to play for free. While the main attraction of these consoles is playing multiplayer games like the various Mario Karts they have available, the game we had the most fun with was ironically the chronic single player. Super Mario 64 (1996).

Watching Lydia (journey editor) struggle to complete a level and then completely fail me in full confidence in my own ability as a game editor was a dramatic irony that made the social more enjoyable. Something about taking turns to play a single game, in a strange form of a deformed competition that the developers never thought of, is an intriguing concept that is almost more enjoyable than the competition of a traditional multiplayer game.

We make baby noises and pretend he’s having a tantrum

One of my favorite parts was making Mario crouch on the ground and crawl like a baby. We make baby noises and pretend he had a tantrum because he wasn’t able to save Peach. It was a lot of fun.

Even the title screen for Super Mario 64 gave much pleasure. For those who are not inclined with the classic intro of the classic games, the player is given a cursor that allows him to pinch and pull Mario’s face, distorting it into different shapes and sizes. You can make Mario look like a sad creature and he will continue to smile with joy forever. What a champion!

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