Beginner’s guide: 9 essential tips for first-time pet owners

If you are about to bring a new fur baby home, the next few days will be the most exciting of your life. However, with the enthusiasm comes a certain amount of anxiety. Adopt a pet it means taking responsibility for a living being that has emotions and can express them. It is understandable that it would be pet parents make detailed plans before adopting a pet. The bond between you and your furry friend is meant to be flawless and beautiful. Farts teach us unconditional love. Every new parent goes through a period when they feel overwhelmed by the things they have to do. It is impossible to get 100 percent of things at first. But little by little you will find your way. (Also read: Pet dental care: Essential tips for brushing your furry friend’s teeth )

Top tips for new pet parents

Embarking on the journey of pet ownership is an exciting adventure filled with unconditional love and companionship. (Pixabay)

Dr. Charlie Astle, Veterinarian and Animal Welfare Expert shared the best tips for new pet parents in his recent Instagram post.

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1.Research: Research different breeds or species to find one that suits you and your lifestyle. Consider factors such as size, energy level, care requirements and temperament.

2. Prepare your home: Pet-proof your home by removing any hazards such as toxic plants, small objects that can be swallowed, electrical cords and chemicals.

3. Establish a routine: Establish a consistent schedule for eating, bathroom breaks, exercise and training. The routine helps the animal feel safe and helps in its training and behavior.

4. Socialization and training: It is important to socialize your pet first with different people, animals and environments. Basic obedience training is also essential for teaching manners.

5. Health: Schedule a veterinary visit for a health check, vaccinations and to discuss castration. Maintain with regular veterinary checks, vaccinations, parasite control and dental care.

6. Nutrition: Feed your pet a balanced diet appropriate for its age, size and species. Avoid eating pieces of table or food that can be damaged. Always provide fresh water.

7. Exercise: Provide regular exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. Play games, go for walks and provide puzzle games for enrichment.

8. Care: Establish a routine based on your pet’s needs, including brushing, bathing, nail trimming and dental care. Regular care helps maintain their health and strengthens their bond.

9. Emergency and preparation: Have a pet first aid kit and know basic first aid procedures. Keep important documents (health records) at hand, and have a plan in place for emergencies.

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