Beginner’s guide: 9 essential tips for first-time pet owners

If you are about to bring a new fur baby home, the next few days will be the most exciting of your life. However, with the enthusiasm comes a certain amount of anxiety. Adopt a pet it means taking responsibility for a living being that has emotions and can express them. It is understandable that … Read more

This Holi, make sure the pets are all right

Holi celebrations can be loud and vibrant, with people often getting lost in the party. However, one should always be careful not to hurt others while participating in the festivities. For example, the festival could become a time of distress for our furry family members, and autumn when people spray harmful dyes on them, causing … Read more

Pet parent drives 35 hours to save her 12-year-old dog diagnosed with bone cancer | Pune News

A twelve-and-a-half-year-old Indian crossbreed dog named ‘Badal’ diagnosed with osteosarcoma – an advanced form of cancer – has been given a new lease of life with the ability to walk on three legs after his owner Kanchan Khandke. brought him from Dehradun to Pune and a team of doctors led by Dr. Narendra Pardeshi, a … Read more