450-Pound Pet Pig Named Kevin Bacon Tempted Home with Oreo Cookies

Last Wednesday, a family in Kenosha County, Wisconsin noticed a strange figure on their home security camera, which turned out to be a 450-pound pig that had escaped from its pen from a neighbor’s yard. .

Jake Molgaard told the AP that his wife did what basically all of us do, she started feeding the pig right away.

The AP reports, “My wife started feeding him immediately,” said Molgaard, 40, a local business owner. “That’s what he does with every animal that comes into our yard.” After the couple watched Kevin scarf down some apples, rice cakes, tomatoes and carrots, Molgaard said it was time for them to figure out who their new friend belonged to.”

Related: Watch: Dog named ‘Kevin Bacon’ retrieves beer for Jimmy Fallon

Molgaard learned from a neighbor that the pig, named Kevin Bacon, belonged to another neighbor who was out of town, but asked if they could return Kevin to his pen. How did they accomplish this feat? Driving it home with Oreco cookies.

Pigs are famous for going out of their thoughts when they are bored or lonely, which is a reason that it is a good idea to think long and hard before adopting one of these sweet animals.

Things to know before adopting a pig

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Many pigs end up being abandoned.


There’s nothing like a teacup pig.

Many people adopt or buy what they say is a teacup pig or a mini-pig and when the pig grows to its actual size, which can be hundreds of pounds, the poor animal ends up in a pig rescue or a shelter for animals. According to the SPCA, There are several breeds of pigs sold as “mini pigs”, including the Kunekune, Juliana and Pot-bellied pig. However, even the smaller breeds of pigs don’t stay very small. According to the American Mini Pig Association, a standard mini pig can range from 35 – 50 cm in height and can weigh between 50 – 150 pounds when fully grown. Which is as tall as a border collie, and can be as heavy as a Saint Bernard! Any breed of pig that weighs less than 350 pounds is considered a “miniature pig.”

Pigs are incredibly intelligent creatures, and studies have shown that pigs can be even smarter than a three-year-old child. They need mental stimulation and exercise and affection and attention to thrive. If your pig is ignored or neglected that can lead to destructive behavior, which leads us to the fact that if you have a pig inside, it can destroy your plans. Pigs need a dedicated fenced outdoor area where they can get fresh air, sun and play in the mud. if your pig is mainly an indoor pig it can be rooted, which can result in your furniture or wooden floors being destroyed. Pigs love to dig, whether outside or inside the animal. Again, according to the SPCA, without the opportunity to engage in normal pig behaviors, pigs go wild and create their own fun in the house, often rooting through cupboards, ripping diapers and knocking over tables.

Like many other “fad” animals, pigs pay the price when they are no longer wanted, often ending up in shelters. Pet pigs can be very difficult to find at home, as these groups often have little ability to take unwanted pigs. You may be left facing euthanasia by a veterinarian. As wonderful as it is to adopt a pig, please make sure that you are ready to care for one of these beautiful creatures for the rest of its life.

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