Travel expert says common mistake while booking holiday can end up costing people thousands

Even if you’re in the pits of vacation booking hell, you can’t let this slip your mind

The idea of ​​booking a break in the sun is far more serene than the reality of it. Check out hundreds of destinations and hotel options, all while deciding on dates that work for everyone involved.

You need another one spring breakers to recover from the mental exhaustion of just organizing the first, since there are many things going around your head that you need to worry about.

But even if you are in the pits of holiday booking hell, there’s one extremely important aspect of your trip that you should never forget – as travel experts have warned that this common mistake can end up costing people. thousands.

Although you could try to get away with it and cut corners where you can, Not buying travel insurance is a big no-no according to mini-break boffins at Southern Cross Travel Insurance (SCTI).

They warned that it might end up costing a batch longer term if you don’t have it covered before you go abroad and you end up having trouble while you’re away.

Forgetting to buy travel insurance could bite you in the backside big time.

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tea insurance companyCEO Jo McCauley explained that there has been an increase in Gen Z travelers leaving insurance as they leave for an adventure, which he described as a “concerning trend”.

She said that a recent research conducted by the company found that “twice as many Gen Z say they will not buy travel insurance this year compared to Baby Boomers”.

There’s a reason they say we should listen to our seniors – they’ve been there, they ended up needing to rely on their travel insurance and they wear the t-shirt with pride.

“Traveling without travel insurance just isn’t worth the risk,” McCauley added.

Vacationers can protect themselves and their belongings by taking out coverage.

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The travel expert said that young vacationers who take out travel insurance more often claim for lost or stolen luggage, personal effects, medical or evacuation costs and changes to their travel plans.

The need to seek medical care abroad is undoubtedly one of the most important reasons to be insured, as McCauley explained that the fees can reach ridiculous amounts.

“We’ve seen thousands of medical bills in the hundreds of dollars for simple injuries like a broken bone,” he added.

“It’s a cliche but, it’s true – if you can’t afford travel insurance then you can’t afford to travel.”

It might seem like an inconvenience and an unnecessary expense to some people, but you can’t put a price on the peace of mind of knowing you’re protected while out on your travels.

Featured image credit: Getty Stock Images

Themes: travel, Hi, money

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