Trains are up to 80% cheaper than planes for domestic travel

The Rail Delivery Group has published new research detailing how trains are up to 80% cheaper than planes for domestic travel.

Traveling by train can be up to 80% cheaper on routes similar to flying, removing the burden of baggage fees, seat selection costs and airport transfer fees, a new report from Rail Delivery Group he found

While in some cases the prices of the air fares initially seem cheaper on certain routes, the final cost is often much higher once all the additional expenses are invoiced. Additional costs incurred with air travel include arrival and departure from the airport, fees for checked baggage and choosing a preferred seat on the plane.

Switching from plane to train could save you more than £200 on a journey from London to Edinburgh, once you account for the extra cost of luggage and airport transfers.

Traveling by train is also very convenient. Most of the stations in the major cities and towns of Great Britain are located in the center, unlike most airports. Hence, traveling by train saves time and hassle as well. Security checks, airport transfer and travel to and from airports add significant time to your journey when traveling by air.

Jaqueline Starr, CEO of Rail Delivery Group said: “For too long, the narrative has been that flying domestically is cheaper and faster. However, when you do a real cost comparison, rail travel can be very cheaper.

“Rail travel offers a more affordable, sustainable and convenient way to travel. Our research highlights the many benefits that rail travel offers our customers when traveling in Britain.

Train customers usually only pay for their train ticket, with free seat selection and baggage allowance included in most fares.

Train services offer greater flexibility compared to air travel, with more frequent departures and arrivals directly into city centres. Beyond cost, there are environmental benefits of choosing rail, as travel generally produces significantly lower carbon emissions. For example, rail is up to 17 times greener when traveling for business compared to air travel according to the new Green travel project data, making rail a more sustainable choice.

For business and leisure travelers, the answer is simple. Rail travel offers affordable fares, reduced journey times through centrally located stations, and with its green credentials, it’s the obvious choice for domestic travel in Britain.

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