Flower Lover Garden Club | Journal Review

President Karen Cook called the meeting to order in the social hall at St. John’s Church.

Cook thanked hostesses Priscilla Zachary, Carolyn Fisher, Teresa Huxhold and Myrna Slinker. After a prayer, members enjoyed the beautiful fall presentation of delicious refreshments.

After refreshments, Cook opened the business meeting. It featured guests Emily Toomey and Kezia Blackwell. Both women are interested in becoming members of Flower Lovers Club. There were 31 members present and two guests.

Lana Presslor gave the treasurer’s report.

October birthdays were recognized.

Three sign-up sheets were passed: Suggestions for trips and speakers, the December Christmas Party and hostesses for the 2024 meetings.

Cook reminded members that dues are $25 and the Christmas lunch is $20. Presslor will be happy to take a check for $45.

Flower Lover shirts are still available in sizes S, M, L, 2XL for $10.

Pamphlets are still available from the Garden Walk 2023 as a souvenir.

Recommendations for the Garden Walk 2025 include: providing bottled water; improve ticket locations; update signs; and food trucks will be determined by the Garden Walk Committee; throughout this coming year, be on the lookout for potential gardens for the 2025 Garden Walk; and suggested a reunion party to celebrate the success of this year’s garden walk.

The nomination committee will present the list of officers for 2025 in November and a vote will be taken.

Trinkle requested that the center’s pots continue to be maintained and cared for until freezing. She suggested that the pots be cleaned and the Christmas greens put in around mid-November. If pot caregivers need help to get the green, contact her, otherwise each caregiver is responsible for their own green and pot decorations. There are four pots available for next year. It is difficult for one member to take care of more than one pot. Please consider taking care of a center pot.

The annual Christmas party luncheon will be held on December 6 at the Crawfordsville Country Club. The price of the meal for members will be $20. The actual price is more than that, but the club pays the difference. Members voted to have a menu of soups, salads and desserts. You need to sign up for lunch and pay $20 to Presslor. No refunds after November 22nd.

The next meeting is November 1 with hostesses Jo Anderson, Dorothy Fogel, Sandra Lawson and Margie Staten. Bring 10 self-addressed stamped envelopes to receive newsletter sent to Ruth Hallett.

After the meeting, the plant/garden items were auctioned off. Cook, Belinda Grimble, and Trinkle keep the auction moving and help raise money for our treasury.

Dusk to Dawn Harvest Festival is from 9 am to 2 pm Saturday at Christ Lutheran Church.

If you are interested in being on the Garden Walk in 2025, contact Cook 765-401-6454 or Paul Furr 765-376-0335.

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