Carton plein pour le Dinard Summer Garden

The first edition of the “Dinard Summer Garden”, dedicated to electronic music and disco, gathered around 7,000 people on Sunday, June 23, according to the organizers, all generations combined, in the Port-Breton park. Supported by the Trade Union, and overseen by many volunteers, the event is a success in a simple recipe: an ideal frame, an intergenerational audience sitting on the grass, a burning sun, a sound that resonates from afar, renowned DJs with the Antipop headliner of TelepopMusik, and a stellar snack. “Communication and word of mouth worked well. The weather was also good and the twelve restaurateurs played the game despite a big boom around 7 pm in terms of attendance,” indicate Geneviève Raux and Christian Cailleau, co- trade union presidents, who want to perpetuate the event.

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