Avoidable Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Impatiens In The Garden

As with most flowers and plants, you’ll want to pay the most attention to three core areas to ensure that your impatiens grow well: water, soil and sun. However, impatiens are quite finicky compared to many other plants, so you want to make sure that the conditions are right for them to grow their best.

Providing the right amount of water is essential to keep your impatiens happy. Water your impatiens often enough or they will quickly begin to wilt and shrivel. In general, aim to provide at least two inches of water per week to keep your impatiens growing strong. Mulching the soil can help keep the soil moist and reduce the chance that the plant will wilt. On the other hand, make sure that the soil can drain well, since you need to water your impatiens often.

It is also essential to pay attention to the amount of sun that your impatiens got. If you plant them in full sun, don’t be surprised if they fade quickly. Impatiens should be grown in light to medium shade and should be in an area with some shelter from the wind. Things will not end well if you make the mistake of planting your impatiens in direct sunlight.

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