The Perfect Ground Cover For Year Round Color In Your Garden

The plants in the Sedum genus are called succulent stonecrop, aptly named for its ability to grow in rocky terrain, often where other plants struggle. These succulents retain water in their leaves to survive long periods of drought. Its leaves are often fleshy, although some species are flatter than others. Like the succulents you can grow on your windowsill, sedums don’t require a lot of water and crave a lot of sun, making them perfect for dry, sunny areas where you struggle to create a green lawn.

Sedums thrive in poor soil, so if your landscape has problems with insufficient water and terrible soil, you can trust that the sedums will happily claim it as their home. These plants love rocky or sandy soil that drains excess water easily, although they can survive on clay soils as long as they stay dry most of the time. Too much fertilizer will result in floppy growth, so you don’t even have to worry about amending the soil unless it’s really poor soil.

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