The Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

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MThe anagers and leaders of the organization are currently exploring the best ways to do work in person and hybrid, striving to make the office as inviting as possible while leveraging time in-office for collaborative activities. In this moment of reflection on when, where and how work should be done, it is an opportune time to explore ideas outside the box, such as your office animal policy.

Today, 66 percent of American households include a pet. The numbers are even higher for millennials and Gen-Zs. Almost one in five families added a pet during the pandemic lockdown. Over the past three years, employees have happily settled into work arrangements that involve their four-legged companions: snuggling up during a Zoom call or going for a mid-afternoon walk.

Force employees to choose between their pet and to return to the office and you may not like their choice. A study highlighted intense feelings of guilt and job dissatisfaction among veterinary nurses most attached to their own animals when they are forced to separate them. Indeed, surveys suggest that a growing number of employees plan not only their work routine, but also their career decisions with their pets in mind. Online discussion forums feature many confessionals like this of the Dodo: “I quit my full-time job in Chicago to spend more time with Cody — and I have no regrets.”

In contrast, pet adoption has tangible benefits. Studies in different settings – traditional offices, but also universities, prisons, hospitals and courts – show that the presence of animals increases employee commitment and career satisfaction and reduces turnover intention. These positive effects also apply to employees who do not have pets or do not actively interact with animals at work. For what? Because animal-friendly policies are seen as evidence that organizations prioritize the well-being of employees. Therefore, job seekers also prefer workplaces that accept pets. Accommodating pets can help attract and retain employees you want to bring back to the office.

Pets in the office increase well-being in the workplace

In academic and national surveys of the United States, the majority of employees express beliefs that animals contribute to a more pleasant and social work environment. I’m on to something. Several studies that we analyzed found that the mere presence of animals provides comfort to employees, buffers against stress, increases work engagement and improves the quality of work life. For example, in a studyThe presence of facility dogs in hospitals has been associated with an increased employee sense of accomplishment, positive work attitudes and greater mental health.

Most surprising has been the growing evidence that pets function as a social lubricant and a conduit for collaboration. In interviews, employees describe pet-friendly workplaces that facilitate better communication and information sharing and contribute to camaraderie and camaraderie. This seems to be the case because pets increase employee interaction, reduce feelings of isolation and serve as the catalyst for fruitful conversations. Maybe you can tell if you have ever stopped by the cubicle of a colleague to buy a visiting dog and found in serendipitous chats. In a series of laboratory experiments, psychologists found that participants working on decision-making tasks in the company of a dog (versus the absence of a dog) rated their teams as more friendly and attentive , which increased their subsequent cooperation and interpersonal trust.

Companion animals play a particularly crucial role for employees with chronic health problems, disabilities and mental health challenges, providing non-judgmental company, opening opportunities for social interaction and strengthening their sense of independence. As a side note, this is also (if not more so) true for service animals, which of course fall into a legal class of their own. In short, welcoming pets can make the office a more social and inclusive place, key conditions to foster creative collaboration.

The Challenges of an Inclusive Animal Policy in the Workplace

To be sure, a documented minority of employees view workplaces that accept pets as unprofessional, unclean or unsafe. Objections range from cultural and religious traditions; past encounters and phobias; health, hygiene or allergy problems; or just personal preference. Even employees who like the idea will bristle at a pet-friendly workplace when the reality involves sharing their space with noisy, disruptive or aggressive animals. Like one redditor wrote: “I used to work in a WeWork and we had our workspace door open for ventilation – I lost count of the time someone’s dog from somewhere else on that floor came out in abundance and disturbed everyone. he made fun of a soppy old boxer who begged for attention but just didn’t fit in a workplace.”

These concerns multiply in organizations where employees frequently interact with external stakeholders, such as business customers, contractors, and consumers. Office labradors, coffee shop kitties, bodega cats and even barbershop roosters have all been praised for improving customers’ moods, but we must be careful that these results may not generalize elsewhere.

While some people who are uncomfortable with pets in the office express their concerns freely, many cannot. Conflicting requests for confidential advice from those who favor and those who oppose office animals have been posted on for years. A study sought to understand what to do about this tension by analyzing five organizations that had instituted dog-friendly policies in the past three months to 20 years. They found that harmonious coexistence, and even acceptance by those who prefer that the office remain without animals, is difficult, but possible when three criteria are met. Employees must have sufficient work autonomy; for example, the agency to take their dog out when it needs a break or to get away from an annoying animal. There must also be a culture of open and respectful communication, so no one suffers in silence. Finally, employees must all buy into a “trial and error mindset” and be willing to update any agreement as needed.

Practical guidance as you form your pet policy

As organizations experiment with hybrid work arrangements or a gradual return to the office, the time is ripe to implement a successful pet policy. Let’s look at some important considerations:

Understand the unique needs of your workplace and all stakeholders.

Be clear when, where and which animals are welcome, the owner’s responsibilities and how to deal with infractions. Vast resources are available. For example, now we know that breed-specific bans are ineffective and do not improve safety. Instead, it’s better to implement behavior-based guidelines (ie, don’t ban Dobermans; ban disruptive dogs).

Consider local andrequirements gal.

Ace one redditor joked, “no Burmese pythons in the lobby.” Review liability for accidents, specify hygienic requirements for areas such as cafeterias, and communicate all this to employees. Again, you don’t have to go it alone. Insights are readily available from industries such as hospitality and air travel that have already made the leap to welcome some companion animals. Hilton offered ideas on what supplies to keep on hand for accidents while the Department of Transportation addressed sign and safety questions. Exemplary guidelines can be found in the Pets work at work toolkit.

Start small and pilot.

Limit pets to certain days of the week or select areas to meet the needs of those who have concerns to facilitate the transition to the office. Be flexible and open to feedback from everyone involved. For managers with limited bandwidth, employee resource groups dedicated to animals (e.g. the Google Group at Googleor even participants in a pet Slack channel), can be a great ally in this effort.

Anticipate that other questions may come up.

Our emphasis has been on bringing pets into the office. Managers should be aware, however, that this may open the door to other favorable considerations for animals. Pet owners can lobby for hybrid work arrangements and non-office days with pets who can’t come to the office (something researchers are already approving for deep thinking and non-collaborative projects). Those who have an injured, lost or aging pet can request time off for care or grief for their four-legged family member. Younger employees, who increasingly own pets but are delaying having children, can lobby to expand benefits (for example, negotiate a group rate for pet insurance). All can offer organizations a competitive advantage, but they come at a cost.

A diverse and growing number of workplaces consider the reception of companion animals. The majority of employees, pet owners or not, are on board and seem to be enjoying the workplace culture and quality of life. A minority, however, have reasonable concerns. So, consider all the documented benefits and challenges of pet policies as you consider the shape of your in-person and hybrid workplaces going forward.

Shawn X. Quan is a doctoral student in management at the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. His research focuses on how non-work factors, including social class and extracurricular activities, influence employee performance. His four-legged canine companion is named Popcorn. Kira Schabram is an assistant professor at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business and the Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow in Private Enterprise. He studies ways to maximize employee sustainability and shares his home with two cats and countless pets.

This article is adapted from Harvard Business Review with permission. © 2023. All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “The Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace”

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