Quand les limaces envahissent les potagers

“Don’t forget the slug repellent this year,” recalls Isabelle Maret, manager of the Kaech Garden Center store in Romont, before customers left the store. “Every time you sell a vegetable, you sell the box of anti-slug with it, otherwise the vegetable will disappear overnight, with the amount we have,” he explains.

These molluscs have become the number one enemy of gardeners who see their vegetables devoured in a few days. Roger, an amateur gardener, made the same observation for a few days: “he likes everything cucurbiti and salads. I try not to lose, but we always lose something.”

More natural solutions

If these products seem effective, there are also other more natural alternatives to combat the phenomenon. For example, the saleswoman mentions a slug clamp that allows you to catch animals one by one to get rid of them. There is also protection that covers each plant individually, as long as the garden is not too big. Finally, ducks, great fans of gastropods, can also contribute to the elimination of these animals.

While waiting for the summer heat to go away, they are the gardeners who have to deal with what nature offers us.

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