L’empreinte carbone de nos vacances

“For your trips, choose public transport. Or better, rent a bike or walk!” (Photo: 123RF)

GUEST EXPERT. Here we go! Summer is here and the countdown to vacation has begun. What will yours be? Staying in the country or traveling abroad?

Every choice we make, be it transport, housing or consumption, leaves a more or less significant carbon footprint on the environment.

Here are some tips to limit the impact of our travels while still having a great vacation.

Tourism and planet

Although it has not returned to pre-pandemic levels, global tourism has indeed picked up. In 2022, it doubled compared to 2021, from 446 million to 963 million tourists, and growth projections are exponential.

A scientific study entitled The carbon footprint of global tourism, published in 2018 by Australian researchers, showed that travel is responsible for 8% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Transport makes up 75% of these emissions, accommodation 20%, the rest is divided between food and tourist consumption, especially souvenirs bought on site.

According to the World Tourism Organization, 40% of the carbon footprint of travel is linked to the plane, 32% to the car and only 3% to the train.

There are several free online simulators that allow you to get an idea of ​​CO emissions.2 depending on the mode of transport and the distance travelled. These tools also offer the possibility to offset the carbon footprint of our journey by supporting environmental projects. Here are two:

Calculate your GHG emissions and support our projects (planetair.ca)

Carbon footprint calculator for travel (sustainabletravel.org)

How to fly greener?

If, like me, you have to fly this summer, choose direct flights. More connections mean more CO emissions2 in the air

Also remember to travel light. Note to self: write this in big letters on my suitcase! Lighter luggage requires less energy to transport. By reducing the weight of your suitcase, you will reduce CO emissions.2 of your flight.

Another gesture useful for the planet: lower the window blinds during the flight. This can help reduce the internal cabin temperature by 1.5 to 2.5 degrees and improve the efficiency of the air conditioner.

Become a slow traveler (slow traveler)

On vacation, let’s slow down! The concept of slow journeyslow journey in French, is inspired by movement slow food or slow food, of Italian origin. We favored immersion in the culture and environment of your destination and us take your time to explore while limiting its repercussions.

The idea behind this concept is that you don’t need to visit several times and tick all the boxes to have a great vacation. Doing less allows you to enjoy your stay in a different way and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

For your trips, choose public transport. Better yet, rent a bike or walk! One kilometer by car to get the bread from the bakery corresponds to 0.19 kg of CO2while your emissions drop to zero by cycling and walking.

Sleep peacefully

Choose accommodations that take measures in favor of the environment. Many hotels, lodges or campsites are evaluated by international certification bodies to attest to their responsible business practices. Find out before making your choice.

A facility that engages in sustainable practices emits on average 30% less greenhouse gases than a regular facility.

Take shorter showers and turn off lights and appliances when you go out. Don’t ask for your bath towels to be cleaned and replaced every day. This reduces your water and electricity consumption and that of the hotel.

Opt for a recreational vehicle! An Italian university study showed that for a 600 km trip made by four people in two weeks, CO emissions2 are 65% lower than the same trip made by car with a hotel stay.

Consume better

For meals, eat local and seasonal products that are often healthier and tastier and have not traveled hundreds of miles. Choosing this option helps reduce transport emissions. Small farms are generally more eco-responsible.

Also remember to sort your waste. Every product consumed requires energy to produce, and even more to recycle. If you are going for a picnic, take bags to put your waste and throw them in the bins.

In short, let’s not forget the good habits we have already adopted at home!

When it’s time to go home

The holidays are over and you want to bring back a memory of your stay? The object in question can have a large carbon footprint, both through its manufacture and its origin. Bring back useful articles, made locally.

You will return home rested, with memories in your head, while feeling good about having done your part for the planet!

Happy Holidays everyone!

[CS1]Do we have the title of the study or the chair that led it?

[MD2]The carbon footprint of global tourism by researchers from the University of Sydney, published in 2018 in Nature Climate Change. The co-authors are from the University of Queensland and Taiwan.



[CS5]An example of what we are talking about here? How are the memories?


[CS7]Favor, prioritize, opt instead for

[MD8]I prefer yes

“More connections mean more emissions.”


[CS11]To myself


[CS13]This tip

[CS14]I added “travel lento”, or slow trip, in French


[CS16]same thing


[CS18]here we do not really explain the cause and effect link between the two elements mentioned… how do you limit your time your impact?

[MD19]I explained a little more

[CS20]“Opt for a recreational vehicle!”



[CS23]They are usually more


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