In the garden with GB News: Lawn care – everything you need to know for healthy grass

A well-kept lawn can elevate your garden, so it’s important to give it a lot of attention as the weather starts to cool down.

GB News shares the best tips to help you grow a succulent lawn as well as grass cutting tips.

Everything you need to know about taking care of your lawn


Gardeners don’t need to mow their lawn year-round and can cut it back in the winter months when the grass stops growing. Spring is usually the time to pick up this task, however, so Brits should think about mowing their lawn for the first time this year if they haven’t already.

Before starting to mow the lawn, the owners have to check that the grass and soil are ready for it and the saw blades are at the appropriate height.

This means a height that does not cut the grass too short – aim to avoid cutting more than a third of the length of the grass at any time. If the grass is too short, there is less space for photosynthesis and the healthy development of the lawn.

Regularly emptying the lawnmower will make cutting the grass easier, because it will flow more smoothly. It is also easier to cut the grass when it is dry, although this is not always possible.

GB News shares tips for planting


There is also the best time of day to mow the lawn – generally in the morning before 10 o’clock. This gives the grass time to settle and cure before evening. The British should be careful not to cut their own grass.

Solar Center co-founder Brian Davenport told GB News: “Cutting your lawn too short may seem like a good solution to extend the need to mow again, but this will damage the grass.

“Cutting the grass too close to the root will decrease its ability to absorb the nutrients very necessary to grow. The lack of precipitation during the summer also slows down the rate of regrowth, or inhibits it completely. ability to absorb the sun that is essential for photosynthesis and ultimately weakens the root system.

“Per lawn mowing session, you should not cut more than a third of the grass, and it grows better when it stays at least three centimeters.”


Those looking for a lush lawn this year should plant now that spring conditions are optimal for healthy growth.

Brian said: “The best time to plant grass seed is now, as mid-spring conditions allow the soil to be warm enough to encourage growth and can provide plenty of moisture in consistent temperatures.

“Alternatively, the conditions of autumn are ideal for sowing grass seeds as this is also when the temperature is more consistent. The seeds should begin to grow within two weeks of planting and germination, and they should be fully grown after eight weeks.”

You should use a variety of grass seeds, as the specifications and strengths of each seed can balance the others as they grow to create an even lawn. You can plant grass seeds on your lawn to create a fuller garden.

.Gardeners should first prepare their lawns by removing any weeds and debris in the garden and making sure to sow grass seed evenly.

Garden Street gardening expert Holly Jones told GB News: “Choose the right type of grass for your region and soil type and prepare the soil by removing weeds and debris, then remove the top layer and add compost, if necessary. peel them on the ground.”

Gardeners should water newly planted grass frequently so that the soil remains moist until germination. Using more than one type of grass seed will make the lawn more durable and more likely to survive all year, Brian continued.

He said: “Turf that is grown from several types of grass seeds is much more likely to survive intense weather conditions, such as summer heat, than grass grown from one type of seed. research o consult a professional to find the seeds best suited to your needs and climate.”

Maintain a healthy lawn

Our lawns receive the most attention during the spring and summer months, but it is important to check them throughout the year to maintain their health. In spring and fall, homeowners can keep grass looking its best with a balanced fertilizer.

You should also aerate the soil and remove any weeds that appear. Holly added: “Regularly aerate the soil to improve root development and water penetration. Control weeds by hand pulling or using appropriate herbicides, making sure to follow the instructions carefully.”

Gardeners should watch how often they water their lawn, because doing this too often can cause flooding, rotting the roots and killing the grass. However, the lack of enough water can cause the grass to turn brown and the soil to crack.


Cut the lawn

Now is the time to start mowing the lawn


Brian explained: “Homeowners should adhere to an infrequent watering schedule to avoid damaging their lawn. Grass only needs an inch of water each week to grow at a normal rate, and this will normally be provided from precipitation.

“During the summer months, you can water your grass two to three times a week to account for the lack of rainfall, but be careful not to soak it because the soil will be dry and cannot absorb excess water.

“Owners should also be aware of any restrictions on lawn watering, particularly in the summer when drought can lead to hosepipe bans.”

Lawn Care Timeline


Aerate: This is the best time to aerate the soil and sow thin or patchy areas

Weed Prevention: Apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed growth

Mow: Spring is the time to start mowing for the year, increasing the frequency as the grass starts to grow. Continue this in the summer


Water: Keep the lawn hydrated by deep watering to encourage root growth. Be careful not to water too regularly

Weeds: Treat weeds when they appear to reduce the risk of spread


Mow: Fall is the time to mow the lawn, but gardeners still need to mow for the last time this year.

Fertilize: Protect lawn health and promote growth by using a high phosphorus fertilizer

Clean up debris: get rid of any remaining weeds and remove fallen leaves and debris from the garden


Maintenance: Protect the lawn by removing snow and avoiding walking on frozen grass

Monitor: The lawn requires less attention during these months, but it is worth watching for signs of pests or diseases

If you’re looking for more gardening tips, GB News shares everything you need to know about lilies. You can also check out our guide on roses for the best tips for caring for these in the garden and at home.

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