‘I don’t even want to use it’

A Redditor concerned about the state of his garden soil was inundated with advice.

In the r / garden subreddit, the poster admitted that they were “embarrassed to admit this”, writing: “I ordered some ‘topsoil’ and they sent it for my raised beds. I saw that it was quite clayey, but I thought it could change. added peat and manure/humus, and today it’s just solid.

Photo credit: Reddit

Even if the remedy of the display has gone wrong, they do not need to be ashamed. Unless the soil is contaminated with toxins, it is generally salvageable. And there are many ways to go about getting it in the state you need, from quick fixes to year-long projects.

“I want to say that there are plants that prefer more clay in their territory… but to modify a lot of clay like soil, you can use compost to break it down, plaster or liquid clay,” a comment. he wrote. “Everything will take some work and time though.”

Another – in the third year of a makeover – he said his work was “finally paid off”: “I modified my beds with chicken manure, perlite, vermiculite and a steady stream of compost. I also dumped every worm I found when planting trees/flowers in the raised beds. Good good luck!”

Someone else said that ash from a fire pit had just made his garden much smaller.

So, there is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to gardening. The benefits are so numerous that every detail is worth getting right. And since getting started can be a tough row to hoe, it’s worth tapping into the knowledge of others if you’re unsure of the next steps. Here’s a primer on soil types – not something you want to skip.

Grow your own food it helps you save money on food, prevent unknown pesticides from contaminating your food, and reduce planet-warming gases and other pollution that are by-products of mass production and shipping around the world.

The riddle of the poster ended quickly, and they thank you all in a comment: “Update: add more compost peat and perlite and add it well to break down the large pieces. It looks good now, much better than yesterday! I will do a light irrigation and then plant my first round of plants. . Thanks everyone!!

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