Gardening expert shares jobs to do now for a gorgeous garden in spring

With clearer days and sunny times ahead, founder of Gardening Express Chris Bonnett shares how to prepare the garden for spring.

There are plenty of jobs to do including cleaning the patio and planting roses and bare root trees.

Start with the basics and keep on top of the weeds. You notice that the weather warms up, they start to pass, keeping on them now means that you can prevent them from germinating completely and causing a bigger headache later.

While it’s still a little cold outside, you can start cleaning the patio and any other garden furniture.

After that it’s time to work on preparing the soil for any spring color you’ll add and any perennials you’ll add to the garden. Think about your soil and add essential nutrients. Digging in manure, compost or fertilizing all help.

How to prepare the garden spring:

Keep on top of the weeds

The trees tend to germinate in the spring when the weather starts to cool down. Dealing with them now as and when they happen means you may be able to prevent them from germinating altogether, saving you a job in the future.

Clean the patio

After the winter months, there will be an accumulation of dirt and grime so your patio needs a good clean. This can be done with a jet wash, or by mixing water and vinegar together and scrubbing with a garden broom. Now is also a good time to clean any garden furniture ready for hosting.

Prepare the soil

Taking the time to prepare your soil will give your plants the best chance to thrive as they grow. Depending on what you want to plant, you may want to fill your soil with essential nutrients by adding things like manure, compost or fertilize.

Add spring color

Add some spring color with plants including violets, primroses and potted spring bulbs. These will give your garden an instant lift on the dullest of days.

Don’t neglect the lawn

Trim the edges of your lawn and prepare each new area for grass seeding. Treat the unwanted moss that has grown over the fall and winter. To get rid of moss just apply a little moss killer or lawn sand.

Keep slugs and snails at bay

Slugs and snails love wet and warmer weather, so it’s best to take precautions now. You can start spreading slug and snail pellets before they ruin your garden or use homemade alternatives like crushed eggshells.

Check your tools

Now is a good time to assess your tools for any bluntness or rust. Good tools are key to a good garden so clean and sharpen things like shovels, pruners and secateurs accordingly.

Add perennial shrubs

Take a look at your garden and point out the areas that lack coverage. It is worth adding some perennial shrubs to these areas to provide year-round coverage for your garden.

Plant bare root roses

Now is also a good time to plant bare roses, as this can be done when they are sleeping. Once the weather warms up, they start to grow. This is a good way to anticipate the growing season and save a job down the line.

Plant bare-root fruit trees

Bare root fruit trees can also be planted in March, but you’ll want to prepare your soil ahead of time to give them the best chance to grow. Ideally, you want to plant these in a warm, sheltered spot in the garden.

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