Boulder Garden Climbing Gym Springs up in Durham, Boosting Indoor Climbing Scene

The opening of the Boulder Garden Climbing Gym at 328 Roney Street, Durham, marks a significant addition to the local fitness and recreation scene, particularly for indoor climbing enthusiasts. Occupying the historic Durham Brazing and Welding Works building, which has stood for nearly a century, the gym introduces 2,300 square feet of indoor climbing terrain and an outdoor area adjacent to Durham Central Park.

Revitalize downtown Durham

With Durham’s urban landscape cluttered with developments, the Boulder Garden aims to enrich the city centre, offering residents, particularly families and young professionals, an active space for exercise and socialisation. Owner Johnny Davis emphasizes the importance of active use spaces in the community, noting the gym’s potential to attract people looking for healthy social environments. The gym is designed to foster community engagement, with rope-free climbing areas that include a Kilter board and a top section, providing a unique climbing experience.

Innovation in mountaineering

Johnny Davis, who founded Acorn Climbing while studying engineering at NC State, brings his passion and expertise to the Boulder Garden. The outdoor space of the gym is designed for classes, climbing simulations and youth programs, emphasizing the importance of accessibility and safety in outdoor activities. Davis’ commitment to preserving the building’s historic essence, including maintaining the original Brazing and Welding sign, adds a layer of cultural significance to the gym’s modern offerings.

Expanding the Climbing Community

The Boulder Garden Climbing Gym is set to open this fall, offering both walk-in and membership options, with competitive pricing yet to be announced. As indoor rock climbing continues to grow in popularity across the United States, the opening of the Boulder Garden aligns with a growing demand for indoor climbing facilities. This development not only contributes to the local economy, but also supports the expansion of the climbing community, encouraging more people to engage in climbing as a form of exercise and recreation.

The introduction of the Boulder Garden Climbing Gym in Durham represents a significant milestone in the evolution of indoor climbing facilities, promising to be a vibrant hub for climbers of all ages and skill levels. With its unique blend of modern amenities and historic charm, the gym is poised to become a cornerstone of Durham’s active lifestyle and community spirit.

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