Blast of snow threatens travel in Alberta as temperatures take a huge tumble

The timing for Calgary in particular, is during the afternoon and in the evening, and that could be some travel dangers.

As the front continues to the south, the northerly winds develop, and cause some snow on the slopes. This snow will continue Wednesday night, and Thursday morning for the southern foothills and the Rockies.

In all, between 5-10 cm of snow is expected, with up to 15 cm in some of the most affected areas on Thursday.

MUST SEE: Edmonton faces its first snow-free November on record

tea The snow drought continues for Edmonton and surrounding areas on the other hand, and it looks like they could end the month without having any measurable snow on the ground at any point during November.

The end of November is expected to see very little snow for most of Alberta and Saskatchewan, but at least parts of the region saw significant snow earlier in the month. However, most of it has been melted down.

Stay tuned to The Weather Network for the latest forecast updates on the Prairies.

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