Airbnb sees fourth-quarter revenue below estimates on travel demand slowdown

NEW YORK – Airbnb forecast fourth-quarter revenue slightly below Wall Street estimates on Wednesday, as tourists cut back on trips due to rising costs, uncertain economic conditions and geopolitical turmoil.

Revenue for the three months ending in December will be US$2.13 billion (S$2.9 billion) to US$2.17 billion, missing analysts’ average estimate of US$2.18 billion, the company said Wednesday in a letter to shareholders. Airbnb expects the rate of growth in nights booked to be “moderate” compared to the third quarter.

“We see greater volatility earlier” in the fourth quarter, the company said, adding that it “closely monitors macroeconomic trends and geopolitical conflicts that may affect travel demand.”

Shares of Airbnb fell about 3 percent in extended trading after closing at $119.47 in New York. They had gained 40 percent this year through Wednesday’s close.

Airbnb’s findings add evidence to suggestions that the post-pandemic travel boom may be running out of steam in the year-end holiday season. Airlines and other travel companies, including Airbnb, saw record demand over the summer, a phenomenon known as “revenge travel,” as people proved willing to swallow high prices for flights and accommodations to fulfill their repressed post-Covid itineraries. But some travelers have begun to draw the line.

The projected slowdown comes after a sweltering summer. Airbnb’s third-quarter revenue beat Wall Street expectations, jumping 18 percent from a year earlier to $3.4 billion. The company reported 113.2 million nights and experiences booked during the period, up 14 percent and slightly ahead of the average estimate.

After benefiting from long-term domestic stays in rural areas during the pandemic, more guests are returning to cities, Airbnb said, with high-density urban nights booked up 15 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier. to do. International travel is also making a comeback, with cross-border nights booked up 17 percent. Asia Pacific business has fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels.

Airbnb is aware that the cost of stays plays a big role in its success – and its competition with hotels – and has introduced new tools to help hosts set the right prices. The average nightly price of a one-room listing on Airbnb in September was US$120, up 1 percent from a year earlier, while hotel prices rose 10 percent to US$153 , according to the company.

CEO Brian Cheksy has worked to refine the platform and adapt to changing post-pandemic travel patterns — such as an increase in long-term stays of 28 days or more — as well as consumer demands for stays of quality and reliable service. . Among the more than 50 feature updates the company announced earlier this year are more in-depth user profiles that lay the groundwork for better matching of hosts and guests and plans for verified badges for listings coming this year next

Next week Airbnb is also expected to introduce a dozen product updates to make the platform “more reliable” and help guests “understand exactly what to expect before booking,” according to the shareholder letter. BLOOMBERG, REUTERS

1 thought on “Airbnb sees fourth-quarter revenue below estimates on travel demand slowdown”

  1. Отталкиваясь от идей Фрейда и
    Маркса, пересмотрел некоторые концепции классического психоанализа и предложил свое понимание природы человека и причин возникновения психических заболеваний, свободы
    и механизмов бегства от нее, социального бессознательного и социального характера.
    Автор работ «Бегство от свободы»
    (1941), «Человек для себя» (1947), «Здоровое общество» (1955), «Искусство любить» (1956), «Вне цепей иллюзий» (1962), «Душа человека» (1964),
    «Революция надежды» (1968), «Анатомия человеческой деструктивности» (1973),
    «Иметь или быть» (1976) и других.Жан Шарко ((1825–1893) – французский врач, член Французской медицинской академии (1872) и Парижской академии наук
    (1883). В 1848 году окончил медицинский факультет Парижского университета.

    С 1882 по 1893 год руководил неврологической клиникой Сальпетриер.
    Был одним из организаторов и руководителей Парижского общества физиологической психологии, известным и наиболее оплачиваемым неврологом Европы.
    Занимался классификацией неврологических заболеваний и изучением таких состояний, как афазия,
    рассеянный склероз. Установив предрасположенность истериков к гипнозу, использовал
    гипноз и гипнотерапию для демонстрации воздействия
    внушения на больных и соответствующего их лечения.

    Опубликовал ряд работ, посвященных
    исследованию болезней нервной системы.
    Его лекции и демонстрации клинических случаев привлекали
    внимание врачей и журналистов из различных стран мира, включая
    Россию. зеленый уровень спиральной динамики


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