William and Kate cheered on as they show off bike skills

The Prince and Princess of Wales thrilled well-wishers with an impromptu display of their cycling skills during a mini-tour of northern Scotland.

Excited crowds cheered William and Kate on as they donned helmets and cycled around a series of ramps and other obstacles laid out in community gardens during a visit to Burghead, Moray.

The couple were visiting the town to learn more about the work of charity Outfit Moray, which organizes outdoor learning programs and adventure activities such as mountain biking for young people to boost their confidence and self-esteem.

They spoke to the charity’s chief executive and a group of schoolchildren before boarding their bikes, with William asking the children questions, including what sports they like and which football teams they support.

He was later heard to say he found a swing on a “tricky” bike, but both he and Kate managed to complete the circuit unscathed, encouraged by shouts of “Go William” from well-wishers.

Hundreds of people lined the town’s high street to catch a glimpse and snap photos of the pair as they walked afterwards to Burghead Primary School, where they saw the children’s bicycle projects in the playground.

William answered questions from the students, including one who asked if he had brought any of the King’s Guards with him, while Kate volunteered to run a bike race among some of the other children .

Another boy asked William how old he was, and when the prince asked how old the pupils thought he was, he acted shocked when they answered 57 years old, and said, “I’m not that old.”

William spoke to pupils at Burghead Primary School (Jane Barlow/PA)

The royal couple arrived dressed for the traditional Scottish weather, with Kate wearing a padded jacket and jeans and William in a waxed jacket and chinos as the sky threatened rain.

However, the downpour lasted long enough for the pair to finish their conversations before the school bell rang, which they took as their signal to leave.

Outfit Moray managing director Tony Brown said after his departure: “It’s our 20th anniversary this year and what a great way to celebrate this milestone and look forward to another 20 years.

“Since the Covid pandemic we have seen a significant increase in mental health issues with young people, particularly around anxiety and loss of confidence.

“Being outside in nature and doing physical things is really good for mental health.

The Princess of Wales

The royal couple were cheered on throughout the course by cheers from well-wishers (Jane Barlow/PA)

“Getting as many young people to our programs as possible is a way to help those who may face challenges.”

Moray Council leader Kathleen Robertson said William and Kate’s reunion is something the schoolboys will remember fondly for the rest of their lives.

“I think it’s a real treat for the kids and a real treat for them to meet royalty in real life,” he said.

“I remember the Silver Jubilee in 1977 and King Charles coming to Quarrier’s Village in Renfrewshire.

“I saw it when I was five years old in a crowd like you see here today and that has lived with me all my life.”

William and Kate

The royal couple also visited Brodieshill Farm (Jane Barlow/PA)

Burghead Primary School headteacher Martin Collins said he heard William and Kate talking to a person being helped in hard times by Outfit Moray and found he was very interested in the charity.

“It was really nice to meet them, they were really relaxed from the word go,” he said.

“Prince William was very engaged and very interested in the wonderful work that Outfit Moray does.

“It was nice to see them get on their bikes, the public loved that.

“It was wonderful for the kids to have this experience. It was fabulous to see.

“There’s going to be a wonderful feeling around Burghead tonight, that’s for sure.”

Kate with the children

The princess meets children attending play facilities at Brodieshill Farm (Jane Barlow/PA)

The mental health theme of William and Kate’s day tour continued as they visited Brodieshill Farm, near Forres.

They learned about the support offered to young people at the business, run by Robert Manson and his wife Nicola, with their parents Colin and Irene.

The pair met with members of Lower Speyside Young Farmers and representatives from Farmstrong Scotland to discuss their work promoting positive mental health in rural communities.

Lucy McGillivray, who farms in Glenlivet, Moray, and is a representative of the National Farmers Union Scotland, said William and Kate were interested in their farming journey as well as the impact of the recent floods.

She said: “A couple of members have lost their lives in the floods and there has been a huge amount of financial loss; for example, fields of crops worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

“I just really explained the impact of the floods and they asked me where I live and about the subsidies.

“They were just lovely people – really down to earth.”

The prince and princess are visiting Inverness-based charity Day1

The Prince and Princess later visited the Inverness-based charity Day1 (Paul Campbell/PA)

William and Kate also met families based near RAF Kinloss and Lossiemouth attending the farm’s indoor and outdoor play areas.

As the 45-minute visit drew to a close, a beaming Kate couldn’t resist playing with the young attendees, running around looking for pumpkins in the grounds.

Later in the day, the prince and princess played pool and other games with youngsters who receive support from Day1 – a charity based at Inverness Kart Raceway which supports young people, providing them with life skills and business skills.

It was hoped that William would go in a kart, but he chose to watch the youngsters show off their racing skills instead.

Corrin Henderson, Day1 managing director and general manager of the racecourse, described the visit as “wonderful” and spoke of how friendly the royal couple were.

He added: “It was a recognition of the quality work we do, and the necessary work we do with young people.”

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