Tips for relocating your pet

Moving animals is a complicated business. Each country sets its own rules (experts call it protocol) and these are different for each species.

The rules tend to focus on vaccinations, microchipping and may even be mandatory quarantines. Many countries require a pet passport, a formal set of documents that summarizes the pet’s health record.

The rules are not intuitive. For example, dogs and cats traveling to the United States that come from a rabies-free country or that have had a rabies vaccination usually do not need to be quarantined—unless they are going to Hawaii since that state has different rules. However, all pet birds must be quarantined for 30 days.

Some countries also impose import duties. If you are going to Costa Rica, you need to add a document that indicates the value of your pet. Great Britain will allow you to bring your pet for free as long as you move. However, you must obtain government documentation, a Transfer of Residence permit, to avoid import tax.

In addition, some animals are completely prohibited. For example, you cannot bring your dog to the Maldives or your python to Samoa. Australia bans dogs by breed; so you can’t take your Pit Bull but your Poodle is fine.

There can be complex rules about the country of origin. For example, you can import a horse from Malaysia to Singapore but not from Indonesia. So the importers have to go to Malaysia first and then move the horse to Singapore.

For more unusual animals, such as turtles, ferrets and parrots, you may also have to prove that the animal is a domestic animal and not taken from the wild or trafficked.

Finally, the airline companies also have their own rules. Some will take any animal, as long as you have the documents, but others refuse to take brachycephalic dogs (those with squashy faces like Pugs) because they are delicate with travel.

To understand, check with your government about export rules and the receiving government for import rules. So check with the airline of your choice.

Alternatively, as the rules are challenging, and just booking flights for pets can be an ordeal in itself, it may be worth paying a specialist pet transfer agency.

17 thoughts on “Tips for relocating your pet”

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