The Wrench opens winter bike sanctuary

Winnipeg’s non-profit community bike shop is offering a new deal to help keep your bike safe and warm this winter.

The Wrench has launched a new winter bike storage and repair program with all money raised going towards its youth programming.

The Wrench calls it a “winter bike sanctuary” and executive director Lucas Stewart says it’s the first time it’s offered the service to the public.

“We’re able to take the bikes through the winter season and offer a range of tuning packages, and send them back in April so the bikes are ready to roll when people are,” Stewart said.

Prices start at $50, and include heated indoor storage for the bike throughout the winter. Various repair and maintenance packages are also available.

Stewart said that it is important to store your bike correctly during the cold months, adding that many have been stored badly, “Exposed to the elements, or you are tripping on them in your basement or at the bottom of your stairs” , Stewart said. “So we’re able to take that away and provide a nice, climate-controlled safe space for your bike all winter long.”

Stewart believes winter cycling will be popular, and will also keep Wrench volunteers busy honing their repair sanctuary skills.

“There are a lot of ‘fair weather’ riders in Winnipeg and that’s fine. We’re a community bike shop and we have mechanics that need to work all winter,” Stewart said.

Maintenance packages range from a simple tune-up to a complete overhaul. The Wrench also takes bikes, or they can be dropped off at their main production showroom at 1057 Logan Avenue. More information about the program is available online. (link)

All money raised from the winter bike sanctuary will go towards The Wrench’s youth programming. The non-profit offers classes and training on how to repair and maintain bicycles.

“It’s a good deal for Winnipeggers, their support of the work we do, and customers should know that when they purchase this service from us, they’re supporting young people in Winnipeg,” Stewart said.

2 thoughts on “The Wrench opens winter bike sanctuary”

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