Pi the cat left abandoned in stranger’s garden

The cat was not microchipped so was named Pi by the RSPCA after a word scribbled on his carrier

A young cat is looking for a new home after she was left in a stranger’s yard in her carrier.

RSPCA rescue officer Naomi Sadoff said the owner had let himself in the garden in Swanspool, Peterborough, on November 9.

She said she understood the financial difficulties facing pet owners, but “abandoning your pet is not acceptable.”

The cat was named “Pi” after a spotted word scribbled on the carrier.

Pi was found abandoned in the unlocked and fenced yard, but appeared to be in good health.

“Looks like someone left to leave poor Pi then,” added Mrs. Sadoff.

“There is help and support available and we urge people to contact their vets, local rescues and animal welfare charities.”

She was checked over by a vet and transferred to RSPCA West Norfolk – from where she will be re-homed.

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