Souvent, un courrier de mise en demeure suffit

Gone are the days when the term “travel planners” (TP) refers to the travel agents of the Havas Voyages network to give them a form of modernity. From now on, the “TPs” embody a new generation of travel players, who are not always in compliance with the regulations. To avoid this unfair competition, the Travel … Read more

Vers la location d’un PET scan

At the moment, Luxembourg only has a PET scan. This is a medical imaging technique that allows to visualize tumors and metastases, even when they are very small. “The successive breakdowns of the only Luxembourgish PET scanner, to which a second machine essential for the detection of certain cancers will soon be added, have led … Read more

Le secret de la croissance du tourisme au Maroc

Moroccan tourism is growing, with record numbers of visitors and significant economic contributions. Morocco’s tourism sector is in a remarkable recovery, with 7.4 million tourists visiting the country in the first half of 2024. This figure represents an increase of 14% compared to the same period in 2023 and a significant increase of 38% compared … Read more

Nouveau patron pour Emirates en Suisse

Mohammad Lootha, Country Manager Switzerland. ©Emirates Mohammad Lootah he succeeds Jürg Müllerwho has played a key role in the success of Emirates’ operations in Switzerland since his appointment as head of the Swiss market in October 2007 – TRAVEL INSIDE announced his departure earlier. Based at Emirates’ offices in Zurich, the new head of Switzerland … Read more


ESPIÑEIRA HERREROS CLOSES TO VICTORY IN GENERAL E-ENDURO CLASSIFICATION, WHILE COURDURIER FACES LATE CHALLENGE TO DEFEND HIS TITLE IN VALAIS The WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series continued this weekend at the third new venue for the 2024 series: the slopes of the Aletsch Arena / Bellwald, in Valais, Switzerland. Bad weather in Valais put … Read more

la consolidation est l’un des gros enjeux du business travel

L’interview de Rodolphe Lenoir, cofondateur d’Impact Consultants. Intelligence artificielle (IA), NDC, emploi, Jeux Olympiques… Quelles évolutions connaîtra l’industrie du tourisme ? Eléments de réponse avec Rodolphe Lenoir, cofondateur du cabinet Impact Consultants. “L’important pour les entreprises est d’avoir à la fois un plan, une capacité à s’adapter et des options de diversification. Il s’agit … Read more

Voyages d’affaires en Europe : le rapport de Navan

It’s a fact: business trips to Europe are growing steadily since 2021. According to the latest Business Travel Index Outlook report from GBTA.1, business travel spending in Europe grew faster in 2022 in Europe than in any other region of the world. This trend continued through 2023 and into 2024, with numbers expected to exceed … Read more

Fin du sketch Adam Yates, mais on craint la bordure

16:19 41 km: The delay Visma in the lead It is certain that there is nothing to worry about the court-bouillon when tomorrow he will need all his forces in the Pyrenees. 16:13 45km: slow down in the first race No leader was trapped, no reason to keep moving forward. This should allow the peloton … Read more