Loki’s New Superpower Destroys All Time Travel Rules In The MCU

Loki has just gained a major superpower in the MCU, one that breaks all the previously established rules of time travel that have been seen thus far.

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Attention! This post contains SPOILERS for Loki season 2, episode 5


  • Loki gains a new superpower in Loki season 2 episode 5, which allows him to control his time slip to travel to his own personal timeline at will.
  • This power breaks the established rules of MCU time travel, as Loki can now rewrite and undo events in the present, creating a new narrative going forward.
  • Despite challenging the rules, Loki’s new ability is significant because it symbolizes his character development and his refusal to let his story play out as it always has.

Loki just gained a new superpower in the MCU, one that breaks all the rules of time travel established so far. As seen in Loki In season 2, episode 5, the titular God of Mischief (Tom Hiddleston) suffered again from his affliction of the time he seemed to get rid of in the first season. However, Loki ends up finding a way to control this new ability, granting him an incredible new power of personal time travel unlike anything he’s seen before.

At the end of Loki season 2, episode 5, all of Loki’s friends from the TVA were blown away with the branches gradually dying, leaving Loki alone. However, the God of Mischief finally chose to rewrite his story and the narrative assumed that Lokis was destined to lose. Refusing to let his friends die, Loki gained control of his time slip and can now travel through time in his own personal timeline at will. This is quite a a remarkable new power and change for Loki with massive ramifications considering how MCU time travel has worked in the past.

Loki’s time-traveling superpower breaks all of the MCU’s time travel rules

The God of Mischief can rewrite and undo MCU history as he pleases

Loki Time-Slipping In Season 2

While Loki’s time-slipping was originally seen as a painful affliction and a curse that sent him back and forth in his personal timeline involuntarily, it has now become a new superpower that the God of Mischief can apparently use when he wants. He can now rewrite history and narrative, going back in time to undo everything that happened in the present, creating a new present where the TVA can now be restored with his Time Loom repaired before it ever explodes. While this is exciting, it flies in the face of the time travel rules set in 2019 Avengers: Endgame.

Because it doesn’t matter that Loki’s superpower breaks the MCU’s time travel rules

It is the culmination of his new goal

Loki with TVA friends in season 2, episode 5

In the end, it doesn’t matter that Loki’s new time powers bend all known rules of time travel. This is because Loki’s ability to control is so crucially tied to his climactic development as a character. He spends his entire arc of feeling that he has no purpose, his family rejects him, and in the end he feels alone. Loki can control his time-slipping now because he refuses to let his story play out as it always has, choosing instead to write a new one Loki story that will continue in the MCU.

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