Les voyants au vert pour le Travel swing

Pougues-les-Eaux. Green lights for travel swing. The general assembly of Travel Swing was held on Thursday, in the presence of the members and of Jean-Michel Dupont, assistant to the associations. Jean-Louis Marceau, the president, began to remember that the goals of the association, created in 2021, were to promulgate and practice the swing dance and more precisely Lindy up.

Then he went on to report on the year’s activities. Last summer, members provided an introduction to children in the entertainment center and participated in retro-camping activities. In September, at the request of Crash Boulons, they intervened during the American weekend. In February, they provided a demonstration during the evening organized by the choir. In April, they were present at the “Faites de la N 7” for a demonstration of their know-how. The thirty-eight members also enjoyed many convivial moments throughout the year.

But it is mainly the preparation for the evening of the 1st er June that mobilized all the energies. It was a great success with one hundred and ten participants and a good result thanks to a remarkable internal management.

Activities 2023 renewed

The financial report shows a satisfactory balance sheet. Contributions were €85 per person (€160 for a couple).

Regarding the projects, it was noted that classes will resume on Tuesday, September 10. A new organization will be proposed with classes for beginners on Tuesdays, courses for beginners on Thursdays from 8 am to 9 pm and courses for Thursdays from 9 pm to 10 pm, knowing that any category can also participate in the courses of lower level. Jean-Louis Marceau insisted on the necessary assiduity of everyone, but especially on the fact of announcing the absence.

The activities of the year 2023 will be continued: intervention at the entertainment center, evening of travel swing on February 8, participation in external events.

The president wanted the creation of a group of dancers (at least eight people) to provide these shows outside, but also to launch bridge evenings with other dance associations. The meeting ended with the viewing of a video depicting all the highlights of the year.

Office unchanged. president, Jean-Louis Marceau; secretary, Julie Auzureau; treasurer, Corinne Marceau.

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