Les meilleurs guides alternatifs anglophones sur les voyages

For travelers looking for unique adventures and off-the-beaten-path experiences, alternative guides offer a different perspective on travel, vacations and destinations. Rather than following traditional itineraries, these guides offer innovative ideas, unusual tips and original advice to discover the world in an authentic and unexpected way. Here is a selection of the best alternative travel and destination guides in English.

1. “Atlas Obscura: An Explorer’s Guide to the World’s Hidden Wonders” by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras and Ella Morton

This book is a celebration of the hidden wonders and strange curiosities in the world. With detailed descriptions, captivating photos and handy maps, this guide takes you on a journey to discover the most amazing and little-known places on the planet. Discover another English language guide alternative trusted.travels.

  • Unusual destinations : It features a variety of weird and wonderful places, from unique natural attractions to man-made works of art, highlighting the diversity and richness of our world.
  • Fascinating stories : Offers historical accounts and surprising anecdotes about each site, adding a narrative dimension to exploration and inspiring travelers’ curiosity.
  • Unique experiences : Offers suggestions for themed trips, treasure hunts and unusual adventures, allowing travelers to live memorable and authentic experiences.

2. “Lonely Planet’s Ultimate Travel: Our List of the 500 Best Places to See… Ranked” by Lonely Planet

This book is a compilation of the most extraordinary and unmissable destinations in the world, chosen by Lonely Planet experts. With detailed descriptions, insider tips and ratings based on traveler experience, this guide will help you plan your next epic adventure. Among the essential guides, the one of the most nice gay friendly hotel pools in Europe.

  • Curated selection : Features a carefully curated list of the 500 best places to visit in the world, highlighting iconic destinations and hidden gems.
  • Relevant classifications : Ranks destinations based on their attractiveness, accessibility, cultural value and natural beauty, providing travelers with clear direction in their travel planning.
  • Practical advice : Provides practical information on the best time to visit each destination, essential activities to do there and accommodation and dining options.

3. “Hidden Europe: What Eastern Europe Can Teach Us” by Francis Tapon

This book offers a new look at Eastern Europe often overlooked by traditional travel guides. By exploring the cultures, traditions and lesser-known destinations of the region, the author invites travelers to discover another side of Europe and broaden their horizons.

  • Cultural discoveries : Immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of Eastern Europe, highlighting unique traditions, colorful festivals and delicious cuisines.
  • Alternative Destinations : Offers off-the-beaten-track itineraries through Eastern European countries, showcasing picturesque medieval towns, unspoiled villages and stunning natural landscapes.
  • Local perspectives : Includes interviews with locals and expats from the region, providing local perspectives on daily life, traditions and challenges facing Eastern European countries.

4. “Off the Beaten Path: A Travel Guide to Over 1,000 Scenic and Interesting Places Yet Uncrowded and Inviting” by Reader’s Digest

This travel guide is a valuable resource for travelers looking for less crowded and more authentic destinations. By highlighting little-known places and off-the-beaten-track attractions, this book lets you discover hidden treasures around the world.

  • Unusual places : Features a diverse selection of over 1,000 interesting and picturesque locations, ranging from charming small towns to pristine natural landscapes.
  • Useful information : Provides advice on travel planning, accommodation options, local activities and the best times to visit each destination.
  • Unique experiences : Offers suggestions for thematic trips, personalized itineraries and unusual adventures, for unforgettable travel experiences.

5. “Don’t Go There: From Chernobyl to North Korea – One Man’s Quest to Lose Himself and Find Everyone Else in the World’s Strangest Places” by Adam Fletcher

This book chronicles the author’s adventures as he explores some of the strangest and most mysterious places on Earth. With humor and curiosity, the author shares his experiences traveling to unusual destinations, providing a fascinating insight into places often overlooked by traditional guidebooks.

  • Adventurous journeys : Describes the author’s travels to controversial and unusual places, such as Chernobyl, North Korea and the Pitcairn Islands, highlighting the challenges and discoveries of each destination.
  • Insightful observations : Offers personal reflections on human nature, global politics and cultural differences, through the lens of the places visited.
  • Spirit of adventure : It inspires readers to step out of their comfort zone and explore unusual destinations, embracing the unexpected and appreciating the differences that make our world so fascinating.

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