le Groupe Figaro lance Amatera, sa nouvelle agence de voyages en ligne

The offer is available in 7 topics : :

“For roads and paths”, for hiking and trekking lovers who are also looking for moments of relaxation;

“inner nature”, intended for those for whom nature rhymes with well-being: yoga, reiki, meditation…;

“Wild Encounters”, for those who dream of observing wild animals in their natural environment;

“Cape Adrenaline”, for lovers of sports and thrills looking for a breath of fresh air;

“out of sight”, for those who dream of deserts and wide spaces;

“Marine Escape”, for those who aspire to the silence and the rock of the sea and the oceans, from a catamaran or among schools of colorful fish;

“Snow White”, for lovers of polar expeditions.

Also note that all Amatera offers have been designed according to a quality card framed by the ATR label (Acting for Sustainable Tourism) and according to its values ​​(Responsibility, Authenticity, Sharing).

Also read: K. Yigan (HR Director of the Figaro Group): “Ten years ago, employers had the upper hand” 🔑

3 thoughts on “le Groupe Figaro lance Amatera, sa nouvelle agence de voyages en ligne”

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