L’Allemagne en point de mire

From left Stefan Mieczkowski, Catherine Desnoyer, Sarah Ziegler and Catarina Erceg (Visit Berlin public relations). © BP

Met a few days ago in Lausanne, Stefan MieczkowskiDirector of the German National Tourist Office in Switzerland, welcomes the good health of his sector, which is gradually returning to the record number of visitors before the pandemic (89.9 million in 2019, all origins combined ).

This enthusiasm is explained by the extreme diversity of its offer, stimulated again this year by Euro 2024. 50% of the Swiss go to Germany by car, 25% by train (a figure that is increasing, thanks to the strengthening the collaboration with the CFF). ), and 15% use the plane. The rest is to be attributed to navigation, especially river navigation.

Out of season

In order Catherine Desnoyerin charge of marketing and sales, the objective is now to strengthen assistance in Germany outside the summer overheating period.

In September, for example, the 50e The Berlin Marathon is expected to attract swarms of followers. The capital remains the most popular city, notes Catarina Erceg, of Visit Berlin, ahead of Munich and Rust (Europa Park) respectively. And that’s without mentioning the range of exhibitions and festivals that punctuate the calendar, from Baden Württemberg to Bavaria. A third of the works carried out in the world are carried out in Germany.

Beyond culture, the magnets are the architectural heritage (castles, Bauhaus, avant-garde buildings, conversion of converted industrial estates) and the diversity of landscapes in a nature that is often rehabilitated and pampered… sustainable tourism favorable to prolonged stays in unique itineraries.

Off the beaten track

Sarah Ziegler, in charge of public relations and events, gives an overview of the new directions of German Tourism. We will revalue the eastern territories. Erfurt will be forward for the richness of its past associated with the Jewish community, while Chemniz will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025.

‘Simply feel good’ is the slogan to remember, remembering that a good value for money (even in hotels and restaurants) is also among the arguments that most appeal to the Swiss.

Bernard Pichon

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