La 9e Graffiti Garden Party de Millau s’installe sur les quais

The Graffiti Garden Party will celebrate its ninth anniversary from July 5 to 7, on the Quai Sully-Chaliès. An event dedicated to the artistic expression in public spaces of a dozen graffiti artists from France and Europe and to which the public is invited to participate.

This 2024 edition can also count on the presence of a recognized sponsor: Nasty. This emblematic figure of French graffiti has distinguished himself since the late 1980s, notably by painting colorful frescoes on the Parisian subways. Today, he is followed by more than 60,000 people on his social networks.

Board sports are part of the program

First episode of the event, an exhibition of the works of artists invited to discover until July 6 on Pingpong le Toit. Saturday July 6 and Sunday July 7, the artists present will make a 150 m2 fresco, installed on the quays. Nearby, introductory workshops provided by the association Aéroson 12 and Molotow will be held all weekend from 11 am to noon and from 2 pm to 4 pm. “One workshop with bombs and the other with markers for small supports”says Raphaël Cros, head of the organization.

Workshops are scheduled over the weekend.
Millau Journal – Archives

Saturday night, concert is scheduled for 9 pm at Pingpong le Toit (4 bis rue de la Mégisserie, 4th floor) with Swift Guad, artist of the French rap scene, followed by a DJ set by Artypikal. “This year, table sports join us, enthuses the graffiti artist. We are looking to establish a partnership with the associations Rid’in Mio and ZooRaides.”

They offer demonstrations and initiations to BMX, skateboards and even scooters. A way of“unites urban cultures and offers other things” . Organizers have their boxes full of projects. Like those“to be able to find certain facades in the city or have certain permanent walls”

. Ideas that Raphael intends to germinate, to consolidate the place of graffiti in the city.

Concert limited to 100 seats, reservations via the QR code on the event flyer or on helloasso.

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