Enshrouded fast travel guide | PC Gamer

Can you fast travel almost immediately in Adventurous, but the real challenge is setting up your own network so you can teleport around the map. The game requires you to venture into dangerous “shrouded” areas in which you can only survive for a certain amount of time. And while you can’t fast travel while you’re in the South, having the ability to return to your base quickly and drop off any valuables is very useful.

Fast travel is also useful if you’ve just gone far enough and want to get back to safety before dark. As you begin to explore the realm of Embervale more widely, fast travel becomes a viable option for covering a lot of ground, albeit a bit restrictive at first. With that in mind, here’s how to fast travel in Enshrouded, and when you have access to more locations.

Travel Fast Aged: How to get to Embervale

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