Bury: Gizmo’s legacy founder urged better pet ownership

Helena Abrahams, 53, rescued kittens Thumper and Smooch last year and discovered they both had severe birth defects which she says are the result of inbreeding.

Helena, founder of campaign group Gizmo’s Legacy, says both kittens have a number of serious physiological problems.

Smooch has a facial abnormality, a split between the mouth and nose, while Thumper lives with the more severe effects of inbreeding, which include abnormalities in all of his legs, three extra claws, and no “tip beans” in the bottom of his paws. .

Thumper had to have a leg amputated after the bones in his legs did not form properly.

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Bury Times: Thumper and Smooch Thumper and Smooch (Image: Helena Abrahams)

An owner of seven rescued cats, Helen has long campaigned for animal rights through Gizmo’s Legacy, which she founded after her cat, Gizmo, was euthanized and cremated without her knowledge.

He is working to introduce the “Gizmo Law,” which would require veterinarians to scan microchips before euthanizing an animal.

Helena is also raising awareness of the importance of sterilization or castration of animals to avoid the mistreatment of unwanted animals.

She said, “Make them sterile, make them neutered, make them chipped.

“Rescues overrun, there are too many to give and every rescue is full because people don’t understand how serious it is.

Bury Times: Thumper and Smooch live with birth defects due to inbreedingThumper and Smooch live with birth defects due to inbreeding (Image: Helena Abrahams)

“There will always be more deformed cats.”

Helena says pet owners are often unaware of the importance of neutering their pets, saying some don’t understand that male cats will reproduce, or think female cats should have “only one litter box”. which lead to selling unwanted kittens, sometimes to irresponsible owners.

She launched a petition to Parliament to stop the sale of pets online.

Helena added: “We are tired of all these cats and dogs being killed by being collected on these websites.

“People think they can make money from them, they use the cat as a breeding machine.”

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Despite a difficult start to life, Thumper and Smooch have proved popular on social media where Helena has more than 35,000 followers of her rescued animals – the crazy gang.

Bury Times: Helena Abrahams, founder of Gizmo's Legacy Helena Abrahams, founder of Gizmo’s Legacy (Image: Helena Abrahams)

The pair proved so popular that they were both crowned Cat of the Year 2023 in the Mirror’s People’s Pet Awards.

Helena says Gizmo’s Law is making good progress and thanked Bury North MP James Daly for his support in her campaign.

She added: “I can’t say too much, but it’s almost there, we just have to watch this space.”

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