50 e-bikes coming soon to Mission and Roeland Park

E-bikes are coming to northeast Johnson County.

The cities of Mission and Roeland Park received a carbon reduction program grant from the Mid-America Regional Council to expand the bike share program through BikeWalkKC in northeastern Johnson County.

City of Mission officials said during a committee meeting earlier this month that they hope to have the bikes up and running by this summer.

The cities will share the bikes and the cost

  • Of the 50 e-bikes, 30 will be issued at Mission and 20 will be issued at Roeland Park.
  • The cities have jointly asked for an extension of the bike share program in 2023, according to the documents of the city of Mission.
  • The carbon reduction grant program aims to mitigate “carbon dioxide emissions from road transport sources,” which make up 30% of emissions from the area, according to city documents.
  • The mission is to consider issuing a local match of $125,000 to buy the bikes, bike centers, signage, operations and management – totaling almost $630,000.
  • Roeland Park will reimburse the Mission $50,000 for the local match, according to city documents.

There is still no specific location of the bicycle center

  • Stephanie Boyce, the director of the Public Works Mission, told the finance and administration committee in February. 7 that the places for the bicycle centers, or racks, are to be determined.
  • Boyce said Mission, Roeland Park and BikeWalkKC are all expected to meet in the coming weeks to discuss locations.
  • City Administrator Laura Smith told the committee that the city needs to sign off on its monetary share of the grant before the process can move forward.
  • “We’ve started preliminary discussions with Roeland Park and BikeWalkKC about places trying to make connections with transit, trails, other things, but we’re moving it forward,” Smith said.
Photo file.

Where are other BikeWalkKC hubs in Johnson County?

  • There are BikeWalkKC bike and bike centers throughout the county, including at several Johnson County Parks & Recreation District sites such as Meadowbrook Park.
  • The Aspiria campus off Nall Avenue and 119th Street is also equipped with BikeWalkKC equipment.
  • Lenexa it also has bicycle hubs in several areas including Black Hoof Park and the civic campus.
  • “The City of Mission is committed to ‘leading by example’ in reducing carbon emissions,” read city documents. “By incorporating e-bikes into our transport infrastructure, we are taking proactive steps towards a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.”

The following steps:

  • The city council in February. 21 is expected to consider spending $125,000 to match grant funding for the bike share program.
  • Boyce told the committee that the two cities and BikeWalkKC still need to discuss the interlocal agreement before going out to bid on the project.
  • City council meets at 7 p.m. at city hall, 6090 Woodson St.

Go deeper: Scooters and e-bikes now allowed on Overland Park trails

7 thoughts on “50 e-bikes coming soon to Mission and Roeland Park”

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