5 steps for positive reinforcement training for your pet

There are many methods of training dogs, with one of the most popular and simple approaches working on positive reinforcement.

The guiding principle is simple: Ignore the unwanted behavior and reward the desired behavior with treats, praise or toys, to encourage repetition.

It involves five steps.

1. Choose a simple goal. For example, you want your pet to sit when you say “Sit.” The definition matters because it helps you visualize your training goal.

Find out when and how to get your pet to work on the desired behavior. For example, you can have your pet sit in front of a treat or when you put on a leash. So whenever you have these situations, know that you are looking for a training opportunity.

2. Know how to reinforce the behavior. You may want to say, “Sit” and run a hand over his back, so very gently encourage him to sit. Visualizing how it works is key to getting the message across.

3. Reward immediately. The second your pet sits down, shower it with praise and a treat or play with the toy. Timing is important because the dog learns to connect the behavior with the treat.

4. Be consistent and work on the behavior every day. Dogs learn by repetition, so expect it to take time. Be patient!

5. Eliminate the traits, but keep the praise. Treats work well for training, but you don’t want a super podgy dog. Fortunately, dogs love praise almost as much as food. So, when your pet is placed, even when it is two or three years later, be sure to buy and thank you. Rewarding keeps learning fresh.

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